After the successful completion and wonderful outcome of the first SKOPÓS in 2020 which treasured many memories and testimonies according to sovereign grace, we considered, prepared and planned for SKOPÓS batch-2 from 4th to 6th of November of 2022. The programme began with 21 of the registered participants reaching the beautiful India Mission Association Campus in Keesara which was arranged for the accommodation. We started off with few action songs and orientation ceremony with revision of foundational matters related to S.H.A.P.E which are to taught and instilled before the facilitators can build on the foundation laid. The beautiful campus was embraced by the participants with peaceful sleeps during the nights and refreshing morning walks.
The morning began with melodious singing, delightful music and soulful worship to start the day. Then the devotion taken by Dr.Surya as introductory to all the five elements made the participants reflect upon questions like if they know their purpose and all the unique abilities and qualities they are endowed with. This paved way for the further sessions to delve deeper into the hearts of the participants as they sought answers to many questions like this posed by Dr. Surya.
The devotion for second day was taken by Ms. Kausalya on the morning of final day and she spoke extensively on how we procrastinate or dodge or gloss over acting towards our purpose despite of knowing our purpose and the practical ways which can be adopted to work towards our purpose with perseverance. This session acted as a comprehensive heads up for the realization of the purposes they are going to step up for.
The first session is the sequence of S.H.A.P.E which is SPIRITUAL GIFTS was taught by Pastor Obed who interwove beautifully theology and common sensical knowledge and laid before the reasoning minds of the participants for themselves to analyse the gifts they have been endowed with. The talk was also on how these gifts being connected to the Spirit are different from physical acquired skills or abilities, thus making it out of grace from above and none of anyone’s doing and thereby are accountable with what they with them. The basis, for the removal of the popular misconception that there are people without any gifts, was laid for well and in the minds and hearts of the attendees. Through the exciting material, the attendees began to introspect and embark on the journey of realizing their gifts by themselves.
The second session which is HEART was taught by Dr. Vishal, which brought in the medical perspective as well which was an eye-opener to the attendees making them realize how fearfully and wonderfully, we are made. Him being a medical student, contrasted the physical state of the heart and the abstract state of heart with the introduction of the concept of emotional heartbeat. He drove the participants into thinking where they are inclined to and to what kind of roles, situations and people their heart beats for, thus signifying their passion.
The third session about ABILITIES was taught by Mr. Steven Paul and he brought in a very practical perspective into understanding the imparted abilities everyone possesses and how the abilities of many people are going down in disuse due to ignorance and inferiority complexes. The societal conditioning also glorified few abilities as supreme and thereby making few abilities lose their value in the mindset of people. All these myths have been deconstructed and the way how each ability is unique and specifically designed to point towards a purpose has been established with the reminder that everyone is a MASTERPIECE!
The fourth session on PERSONALITY was taught by Dr. Hepsibah who made clear the matter that each individual is distinct and unique in their personality which is realizing what they have designed to be as the wholesome set of their attitudes and characteristics. The participants were excited to find their personalities and its traits and how they are uniquely different from each other. The questionnaire which was included in the material made them look deep into them and know the vast expanse of the unique design they comprise of and how a unique personality is designed to fulfil a unique purpose.
The fifth session on EXPERIENCES was serenely showered down on the minds of the participants on the beautiful morning of the final day by Dr. Sharon Clara as to how experiences as the balance of both good experiences and bad experiences which are significant in driving people towards the purpose as an outcome of the experiences endured all along the way. While the questions as to why they endured all the experiences were given a scope for answer, they were also made to realize the purpose they have been endowed with.
The sixth and final session which is the summarizing session of the LIFE PURPOSE was taken by Mr. Premdas. He made the best possible efforts to bring in all the five aspects, put them together and helped the participants to frame the purpose statement which is their ultimate goal and even the ultimate objective of the seminar. He shared the examples of many other vision statements and his own statement as well to help the participants understand how the purpose statement works from the link established to all the five sessions.
Games and Activities
The retreat was carried out by refreshing activities led by Mr. Prasad who revived the spirits of everyone and brought people closer into the fellowship of Stewards of Nations. The participants enjoyed the various games conducted and were very much animate.
Samuel: I came because my seniors told me. I have been baptized for four years but I have been praying to know what my gifts are and I was excited to find a place to know my Spiritual Gifts. I was surprised to know that I was using them all along but to know them as a gift was an eye-opener. Though I can’t say I have realized my purpose totally, I have gained an idea as to what my purpose could be
Samuel: I came because my seniors told me. I have been baptized for four years but I have been praying to know what my gifts are and I was excited to find a place to know my Spiritual Gifts. I was surprised to know that I was using them all along but to know them as a gift was an eye-opener. Though I can’t say I have realized my purpose totally, I have gained an idea as to what my purpose could be