Greetings to you all,
The second half of the Leadership training program was non-residential and was held on 8th and 9th of June 2024, in the training hall of Stewards of Nations, Malkajgiri, Secunderabad. First day saw an attendance of six members followed by eleven members on Second day of the program. The other four who registered couldn’t attend due to their exams and other important commitments. The second half of the topics from the Lead Today manual written by John C Maxwell have been discussed with them in these two days.

First day started with worship followed by a short activity of dividing into two groups who are supposed to write and depict the learning points of the previous 7 leadership skills as a team in a chart paper. Later Mr. John Srikanth reviewed the 5 levels of Leadership and gave a brief overview of the upcoming sessions.
The Eighth session was taken by Miss. Kausalya on ‘Teamwork’, it started with a fun and meaningful team building activity showing the importance of Teamwork. The old saying, “Many hands make light work” was evident through Scripture engagement on Nehemiah’s Leadership of rebuilding broken walls of Jerusalem in 52 days, by including people by encouraging, supporting and assuring them to work despite the enemy attack with unity and God’s gracious hand upon them. Unity is the glue that holds the team together. A successful team has a unified Vision.
Ninth Session on ‘Attitude’ was taken by Mr. Premdas who engaged the participants enthusiastically with live demonstration of good and bad attitudes in skit form. Attitude is an emotion we demonstrate through actions. Scripture engagement was on Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was assumed to have been the person to have a bad attitude due to the circumstances of being a virgin who conceived but she still chose to have a good attitude despite all the hardships she had to go through. Session concluded with a quote which says, “Bad attitude is like a flat tire which leads you nowhere.” Attitude is a choice.

Tenth session was taken by Dr. Chaitanya Hepsibah on the topic – ‘Priorities’ which are most important and powerful, they help us to determine how to use time wisely. An activity of enlightenment of how we use our 24 hours in a day was done. Pareto principle was taught which states that if we put efforts on top 20% of our priorities then we get 80% of production. Scripture engagement on how Jesus prioritized seeking the kingdom of God, purpose and mission of glorifying father as the primary goal and aim in his life despite in his weak, hungry state he was not given into Satan’s temptation for physical needs, power and popularity. First things first, God must be the first priority in our lives.
Eleventh session was taken by Dr. Mounika on ‘Responsibility’ which means the ability to make and keep commitments. Responsible leader is one who is selfless, goes the extra mile, works hard and finishes what s/he started. Servant-leaders will put the team and organization ahead of their own desires. Four different types of Leaders – The drop-outs, cop-outs, hold-outs and all-outs were explained. Scripture engagement on how Jesus walks his talk by fulfilling his God given mission of paying ransom for our sins. Jesus made a commitment and he kept it even if it cost his life. The session concluded with a quote – when you make a commitment you create hope, when you keep a commitment, you create trust.

Second day started with beautiful worship led by Dr. Mahalakshmi and Dr. Mounika. Then devotion was taken by Dr. Swarna who taught about the Great Commission of God and then levels of living out God’s great commission in our day-to-day life along with challenging the participants to do the work of God with having assurance of God’s presence.
Twelfth session on ‘Relationships’ was taken by Dr. Chaitanya Hepsibah who spoke on how relationship is a leadership quality and the importance of listening, loving, adding value to people’s lives by investing time, energy and resources, just like servant-leader Jesus in that he washed the feet of his disciples including those who betrayed him. Jesus took the opportunity to model humility. Session concluded with quote which says, “Insecure are into titles and secure are into towels.”
Thirteenth session on ‘Communication’ was taken by Dr. Vishal Kumar who spoke on how good communication is an important skill. Words can be both powerful and dangerous tools for a Leader. Group discussion was led on how Adam and Eve’s communication gap led to sin of eating forbidden fruit and Joshua’s good and elaborative communication with people helped them to achieve the final goal. Communication increases connection when it is clear and inclusive of others. Scriptural engagement was on Peter listening and identifying lame man’s unspoken want and need of healing, despite him asking for money. Wise Leaders are good listeners.

Fourteenth session was taken by Mr. Premdas on ‘Developing Leaders’ to lead well which becomes the potential to expand for the success of the team by helping others reach their full potential. Speaker reviewed the five levels of Leadership and focussed on fourth level, which is development of people. Seven ways to practice developing people is Recruiting, Positioning, Modelling, Equipping, Developing, Empowering and Measuring. Scriptural engagement was on how Paul invested his time and energy upon Timothy, challenging him to live a life of purpose and high calling. The process of developing a leader was shared. Session concluded with a time and calling for commitment to intentionally invest upon others to develop them as Leaders.
Fifteenth session was taken by Mr. John Srikanth on ‘More than a Leader’. Learning areas and implementation skills were written and shared by each person. It was a fun-filled, active learning and reflecting time where participants were given the opportunity to discuss, write down and share the findings of who Jesus is. Jesus is the son of God, the saviour of the world, God himself. He is at the pinnacle level of leadership but still He chose to come to earth as a baby and died a lowly death in our place for our sins. Jesus is a true servant-leader. Final call and challenge were given to participants to be leaders and to disciple people as instructed by the Great Commission to obey God’s command and expand the kingdom of God.

It was the absolute grace, love and providence of God in the ways that He led and strengthened the members of Stewards of Nations this far to be persistent enough to pursue to teach, educate and empower the young budding Leaders from our small groups despite many challenges.